Saturday 25 June 2016

6 benefits of green tea for teen's health

benefits of green tea for teens

The following is a complete list of benefits as well as the use of green tea for health. Read on to know more, to know the compelling reasons to move to the healthiest drink on this one:
1. Weight Control:

Obesity is one of the biggest problems all over the world today. Lifestyle combined with a habit of eating junk food and a few drinks can cause some complications associated with obesity, such as heart disease, sleep apnea, diabetes, hypertension etc. To prevent this from happening to us, incorporate green tea in our daily diet will be helpful.

As mentioned before, green tea contains natural antioxidants, which are known as catechin polyphenols. In fact, green tea contains ten times the amount of antioxidants that can we get from fruits and vegetables.

Scientists have identified six types of catechins in green tea is epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG in green tea increases the metabolism of the human body, so that the intensifying levels of fat oxidation and turn them into calories, which in the end helps lose weight. Green tea will also detoxifies the body and suppress your appetite, so that it can prevent excess eating desires.
2. Refreshing breath:

This is because green tea will inhibit the growth of bacteria and viruses that cause disease of the teeth. The bacteria is also a major cause of bad breath. All you need to do is wash your mouth with a high concentration of green tea, and it will refresh your mouth directly.

Green tea can also help to reduce the inflammation of the gums. You can also make the toothpaste from the liquid green tea leaves and mixed with a teaspoon of baking soda. This will not only help reduce the inflammation of the gums, but it will also prevent the growth of plaque on your teeth.
3. Reducing Cholesterol:

High cholesterol levels in the body can pose a risk to your health, especially cardiovascular disease and stroke. Green tea contains tannins which have been known to lower cholesterol naturally
in the body. Tannins help reduce LDL cholesterol (low density lipoprotein-) in the body. Also known as LDL "bad cholesterol", because it can cause plaque in the arteries, causing a blockage.

Scientific studies have also shown that catechins will reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine, thus helping to reduce the problem of high cholesterol. In addition, you should also avoid foods that are high in berkolesterol in addition to drinking green tea regularly.
4. Healthy skin:

A number of studies that have been done take a positive conclusion with regard to the benefits of green tea for skin.

Anti oxidants are also beneficial for the skin, and that there are many in green tea. Green tea also contains a number of compounds that help the skin becomes radiant, and this benefit can be obtained from
drink it or use of the topical. Cosmetic formulations containing green tea is a good choice, because this will reduce sun damage. Polyphenols in green tea is known to slow down the appearance of aging signs.

Mix 100 grams of green tea and half a liter of water, and let sit for 30-40 minutes at room temperature. After that strain the liquid and store in the refrigerator. You can use this mixture to freshen the face after a long day, treat mild rashes, and treat wounds former hot sun. This will also help you to clear acne and prevent it coming back.

Green tea leaves can also be used as an exfoliator. Mix 3 teaspoons of yogurt with 1 scoop of green tea leaves and water slowly for massaging the face, after that leave for 5 minutes. Done then wash with warm water. Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins are one of the antioxidants found in green tea, which helps slow the aging process early.
5. Reduce allergic reactions:

EGCG found in tea hijaumenghasilkan imunoglobulin and histamine, which is a compound which includes generating a response to allergies. Thus this will help stop the reaction of certain allergens.
6. Healthy Hair:

Green tea is known to inhibit the growth of DHT (Dihydrotestosterone), which is known to inhibit the growth of hair and cause hair loss. Green tea compounds react to testosterone,

so the amount in blood remains well balanced so that it does not react with the 5-alpha reductase enzyme and turned into DHT. It also helps prevent and overcome the common hair problems such as dandruff and psoriasis by decreasing inflammation due to antiseptic properties.

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