Saturday 25 June 2016

the benefits and efficacy of tea leaves for the health of the body

the benefits and efficacy of tea leaves for the health of the body, facial and skin beauty as well as the traditional medicine of different kinds of diseases.

The Benefits Of Tea Leaves

Tea is a drink that is very familiar to the world. Tea comes from the leaves of the tea is picked from the tree tea (camelia sinesis). Today, tea is already packed with various forms of interest. For example, tea, tea, filter sticks, tea powder, tea or squeezed.

The Classification Of Tea Based On The Rate Of Oxidation:

White Tea

This tea is not experiencing the process of oxidation. The process of drying and evaporation is also done very shortly. Compared to other types, this tea is produced in very small amounts so the price belongs to expensive. This tea is rarely found outside of China. Renowned for its quality because it is taken from the best tea shoots.

Black Tea

This tea is experiencing the longest fermentation compared to other teas, between 2 weeks to 1 month. This makes the colour is very concentrated and the aroma is so strong. Tea is the most consumed the world community, especially the United Kingdom.

Green Tea

Green tea is not experiencing peroses oxidation, but passes through drying and evaporation is longer than white tea. Usually, started treated after harvest a day or two later.

Yellow Tea

The process of processing not much different from green tea and value as a high quality tea.

Oolong Tea

This tea does not undergo oxidation process until thoroughly because it immediately stopped dipertengahan the road.

Content Of Tea:

Tea contains a variety of substances that are useful for people mengonsumsinya. The following substances are contained in the tea.

Vitamin K

In the process of making tea, vitamin C and E a lot missing. However, the tea turned out to have a high vitamin K.


Tea contains a number of healthy minerals for the human body.


One of the more effective antioxidant 100 fold than vitamin C.

Essential Oil

Tea contains a protein that plays a role in shaping the scent as well as beneficial to dissolve fat.


The amount of caffeine in tea of coffee and not as much useful mempelancar blood circulation to the brain.


Fluoride is a substance which acts to strengthen bones and teeth.

Glutamic Acid

Substances contained in tea and give soothing effect after drinking.

The benefits and Efficacy of tea for the health of the body, facial and skin beauty as well as the traditional medicine of different kinds of diseases.

White tea contains catechins which serves to ward off free radicals and acts as an antioxidant. Meanwhile, black tea is helpful for increasing concentration at the same time preventing drowsiness.

Green tea has catechin, but simply applied higher than white tea. Its function is, among others, to lower the bad cholesterol kdar, lowers high blood pressure, prevent cancer, and smooth porters. Oolong tea benefits also save many of them treat headache, controlling kolestrol, lowering sugar levels, as well as aiding digestion performance.

In addition to the benefits in ataas tea, in General still have other perks, such as lowering the risk of developing heart disease, help the body fight against various viruses, healthy gums, prevent croup, reduce stress, protect the lever, to prevent food poisoning, slow down aging,

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