How To Control Pests And Disease In Tea Plant
Pests on crops is a bully or a problem that is very disturbing for the farmers. How does the pest-pest, it would hamper and can interfere with all plant growth that are being cultivated. Well here is kind of the usual pests attacking tea plants and how to prevention or his actions see his comments below.
Heterodera Marioni
This sporadic pest types that can attack the plant was already in the plantations. But it is the pest the pest in tea plant that is most responsible for damage at the time of the seedbed of tea. These pests more damage at the root of the tea that is still very young. For signs of pest-stricken roots is blooming and slow its going to be a foul.
How To Control
To control this pest can be done by giving poison CCT or HCT are sprayed into the ground.
Gryllotalpa Africana (Orong-orong)
This is the type of pest pests are most responsible for the damage in the seedbed and diperkebunan tea is still fairly young or new. For the part that is undermined by this pest in rooting for the moment was about to make a hole in the ground, this pest will disconnect the the plant roots.
How To Control
To control this pest can be done with captured him and then destroyed.
Brachytypus Portentosus (Gangsir)
Same as orong-orong pest is also a type of pests responsible for damage to the tea plant rooting system. These pests will also break the roots and stem near the neck root, while creating a hole.
How To Control
For pest control can be done by way of catching it and then destroyed.
Agrotsi Sp
Types of pests it is very disturbing that the Caterpillar homogeneous. This pest is considered most responsible for the damages that occurred on the bark tea plants when the seedbed. This pest can be mengelupaskan on bark, even to break the stems of tea plant.
How To Control
To control this pest can be done with the land inside the Caterpillar loot at the time of the morning and may also by administering toxic materials that are considered effective to eradicate this pest.
Zeuzera Coffeae
This pest as Agrotis sp, which is a pest of homogeneous. This pest typically attacks the stem or twig tea plant by means. At first this done on the bark, but gradually this pest will make holes in the circular on the stem so that the third rod is easily broken.
How To Control
For pest control is fairly easy just by doing the cutting part of the stem which is stricken then set it on fire.
Wood Powder
This pest is homogeneous pests of tea plant invaders had just undergone pruning. However, in some instances, there is also a pest attacking tea plants in the nursery.
How To Control
For control can be done by unplugging the stricken plants and by performing crop trimming.
Helopeltis Antoni
This pest is the most harmful to the tea plantations. Because if the tea plantations had already been attacked by pests, then going through a failed production. The plantation was attacked this pest will experience the production of tea leaves very little. This is because these pests carry a kind of illness cancer branches that can inhibit the growth of plants, including the leaves. This pest is generally attacking tea plantation has just undergone pruning.
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